Please note: only users with the "Edit recipes" and "Edit inventory" permissions can take inventory of recipes.
On opsi, recipes can be marked for being inventoried. In order to do so, you must first set a recipe as "Inventoriable".
Setting a recipe for inventory will associate that recipe to a new product (using the name of recipe), and place that product within a new purveyor (using the name of your account). The product associated to that recipe can then be further categorized and added to a section on an inventory guide. The cost and unit details will always be pulled from the recipe itself, instead of being managed on the product level.
When building out an inventory guide, or counting on an inventory sheet, you can then add in that recipe (or the product associated to that recipe) to take counts on it.
Please note: when taking counts on a recipe, the value will be factored based on the recipe's yield and "cost of recipe". Read more about this on the Inventory overview article.
To set a recipe as inventoriable:
To take inventory of a recipe: