Managing roles
Updated over a week ago

Please note: only users with the "Manage Business" permission can manage roles.

If your account has roles setup, users with the view only permission will only see task lists which their roles are assigned to. Roles are a great way to filter out the visual noise of other lists so users can focus on what's only pertinent to them.

This feature is not applicable to users with the "Edit Task Lists" permission, as these users will see all task lists regardless of roles assigned.

First, setup your roles on your account:

Desktop steps

1. Click your name at the top right

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click "Business Settings"

Step 2 screenshot

3. Click "Roles" on the left-hand navigation

Step 3 screenshot

4. While in the roles view you can see the existing roles, or click "Edit" to manage existing roles or add new ones.

Step 4 screenshot

Mobile steps

1. First, ensure you are on the "My Profile" view

Step 1 screenshot

2. Tap "Settings" in the top right

Step 2 screenshot

3. Tap "Business Settings"

Step 3 screenshot

4. Tap the arrow next to Users

Step 4 screenshot

5. Tap "Roles"

Step 5 screenshot

6. This view shows all of your current roles. Tap "Edit" to manage existing roles or to add new ones

Step 6 screenshot

Now that your roles are setup, click here to see how to assign roles to task lists.

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