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Task Lists
Assigning roles to task lists
Assigning roles to task lists
Updated over a week ago

Please note: only users with the "Edit task lists" permission can assign roles.

Once your roles are setup you can start assigning them to task lists. Users assigned a role will only see the task lists that their roles are associated to. Roles can only be assigned to task lists (the highest order of a list), and cannot be assigned to individual categories or tasks.

This feature is not applicable to users with the "Edit Task Lists" permission, as these users will see all task lists regardless of roles assigned.

To assign roles to task lists:

Desktop steps

1. First, ensure you are on the task lists view

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click the edit icon on the list you wish to assign roles to.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Click into the title of the list.

Step 3 screenshot

4. Click into the "Roles Assigned" dropdown.

Step 4 screenshot

5. Select the roles you want to assign to this task list then click "Done".

Step 5 screenshot

6. Save your changes.

Mobile steps

1. First, ensure you are on the task lists view

Step 1 screenshot

2. Tap the edit icon on the list you wish to assign roles to.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Tap into the title of the list.

Step 3 screenshot

4. Tap into the "Roles Assigned" field

Step 4 screenshot

5. Select the roles you want to assign to this task list then tap "Done".

Step 5 screenshot

6. Save your changes.

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