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Managing allergies
Managing allergies
Updated over a week ago

Please note: only users with the "Edit recipes" permission can manage allergies.

Allergies can be associated to ingredients, or directly added to recipes if desired. If your ingredients contain allergy information, and are used in recipes, those recipes will automatically display the allergy information of those ingredients.

Opsi has a few default (global) allergies to choose from while using the platform. These include the top 10 most common allergies. If you don't see the allergy you want to use, go ahead and create your own!

You are still able to create, use and manage your own allergies from within any of the "Allergies" fields throughout opsi.

Check out how to do so below:

1. Enter the allergy name into any of the "Allergies" fields on opsi

Step 1 screenshot

2. If you type an allergy that opsi does not contain as a default allergy, you have the ability to "Add" that new allergy. You also have the ability to "Manage" custom allergies from this dropdown list.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Within "Manage" you are able to manage or add any of your custom allergies.

Step 3 screenshot

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