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Create a recipe category
Create a recipe category
Updated over a week ago

Please note: only users with the "Edit Recipes" permission can create and manage recipe categories.

Categories are where all of your recipes live within to keep your items organized (ex. Appetizers, Entrees, Garde Manger, etc.). We recommend creating categories in a format that is familiar to your operation. You can use categories to act as your recipe books as well.

To create a recipe category:

Desktop steps

1. On the recipe page, click the green + button

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click "New Recipe Category"

Step 2 screenshot

3. Type a name for your new category and click "Save"

Step 3 screenshot

Mobile steps

1. Tap the recipe icon in the main navigation

Step 1 screenshot

2. Tap "Edit" at the top

Step 2 screenshot

3. Tap "Add Category"

Step 3 screenshot

4. Type a category name then tap "Save"

Step 4 screenshot

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