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Adding or importing products
Adding or importing products
Updated over a week ago

Please note: only users with the "Edit Products" permission can add or import products.

Once your purveyors are created on opsi you can begin adding products!

If you will be using food costing, we highly recommend you map your products to ingredients during this step, as well as ensuring your products have as much purchasing information (price and unit details) filled out as possible. The more unit details you include on your products, the better opsi can do conversions where necessary.

There are a few different methods to add/import your products into opsi.

  1. Manually adding products via the "Manage Catalog" module.

  2. Importing a CSV file of your purveyor's catalog.

  3. Pulling in products through invoicing integrations like Ottimate (formerly Plate IQ).

Manage Catalog Module

This method is manual process of adding products directly to your purveyors' catalogs via the manage catalog module.

Desktop steps

1. First, ensure you are on the "Products" tab with the purveyor selected that you want to add products to.

2. Click the edit (pencil) icon next to the name of the catalog.

3. Click "Manage Catalog".

4. In the manage catalog view, click "Add Row" to add a new product row.

5. A new row will be added to fill out the product details. Fill out all necessary details. You are able to map your products to existing ingredients (or create new ones) during this step as well.

6. Important: click into the "Packaging" field to prompt the product modal to fill out as much of the product's pricing and unit information as possible. Click "Done" once completed.

7. Repeat steps 4-6 until you've added all necessary products. Once completed click "Save & Exit".

8. The new products have now been added to that purveyors catalog.

Mobile steps

1. First, ensure you are on the "Products" tab.

2. Tap the purveyor you want to add products to.

3. Tap the edit (pencil) icon at the top.

4. Tap "Manage Catalog".

5. Tap "Add Row" to add a new product row.

6. A new row will be added to fill out the product details. Enter the product's name, then tap "Edit"

7. Fill out the product's details including its pricing and unit information. You are able to map your products to existing ingredients (or create new ones) during this step as well. Tap "Done" once completed.

8. Repeat steps 5-7 until you've added all necessary products. Once completed tap "Save".

9. The new products have now been added to that purveyors catalog.

Importing a CSV

This method involves exporting or receiving your purveyors catalog in a CSV format and uploading it into opsi. You have the option of downloading an opsi template to pre-format the purveyor's catalog to make importing more seamless, or you can choose to upload the catalog as-is and use our field mapping feature to ensure the data goes to the right place.

Desktop steps

1. First, ensure you are on the "Products" tab with the purveyor selected that you want to add products to.

2. Click the edit (pencil) icon next to the name of the catalog.

3. Click "Upload Catalog".

4. Click "Upload CSV" then select your catalog file.

5. After selecting your catalog, you will have the ability to map the CSV columns to the proper opsi product fields. Opsi provides a "Catalog Preview" to see what data is in each column to make mapping easier.

Once done, click "Submit".

6. The new products have now been added to that purveyors catalog.

Mobile steps

1. First, ensure you are on the "Products" tab.

2. Tap the purveyor you want to add products to.

3. Tap the edit (pencil) icon at the top.

4. Tap "Upload Catalog".

5. Tap "Upload CSV" then select your catalog file.

6. After selecting your catalog, you will have the ability to map the CSV columns to the proper opsi product fields. Opsi provides a "Catalog Preview" to see what data is in each column to make mapping easier.

Once done, tap "Submit".

7. The new products have now been added to that purveyors catalog.

Invoicing Integrations

Opsi offers the ability to integrate with invoice processing / AP solutions, like Ottimate (formerly Plate IQ), to seamlessly import all of your invoices, purveyor details and purveyor products (including pricing and unit information) that have been processed. Contact us here to learn more about leveraging an integration.

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